Expired 2018
The MOG-1000-O2K boiler computer is designed to optimize heat production so that the best heating economy is obtained and to provide information to maintenance and service personnel that simplifies their work. The boiler computer is built around a microprocessor and electronic memories, which makes it very flexible. Through programming, the same unit can be used for virtually all types of boilers, furnaces, burners and fuels. The functions and operating values required for each individual boiler are programmed from the keyboard or via Micatrones Dokumentations System MDS-10 or the OPERATOR SYSTEM MOS-1000. MOG-1000-O2K for biofuel designed for all types of boilers.
- Hot water boilers
- Hot water boilers
- Boilers
- Hot oil boilers
- Biofuel boilers with:\n-Stoker\n-Skew rust\n- Mobile rust
MOG-1000-O2K for Oil/Gas for all types of boilers
- Hot water boilers
- Hot water boilers
- Boilers
- Oil-fired boilers
- Gas-fired boilers
- Coal-fired boilers
- Self-drawn boilers
- Boilers with flue gas fan
- Overpressure-soured boilers
Temperature or vapour pressure control:
- On/off regulator for switching on and off burners, so-called operating thermostat
- On/off regulator for low 2 (2-step burner)
- On/off regulator for low 3 (3-step burner)
- Power regulator (3-point PI controller for modulating burners)
- Follow-up control of the set points for to/from regulators and power regulators
Regulation of the suppression in the fireplace or air quantity:
- Pressure regulator (suppression control), with selection of control functions:- Switching set points\n- After-airing\n- Downtime pressure for biofuel-fired boilers\n-Hand/Auto-switching\n- Sweeping mode
O2 regulation:
- Continuous O2 regulator with PI effect.
- Programmable set point curve with 10 breakpoints for modulating burners.
- Automatic switching of step burner set points.
- Switching on and off function of O2 control at start and stop of the burners.
- Warning and stop limits for O2 deviation from the set point.
- Indication of O2 and CO2 content in the flue gases
Alarm function for power selector and remote indication. Data communication with parent computer. Monitoring with warning and stop limits:
- Monitoring of suppression
- Differential pressure monitoring
- Flue gas temperature monitoring
- Monitoring of the O2 content of the flue gases
- Oil or gas consumption
- Monitoring of any temperature (e.g. combustion air or return temperature)
- Monitoring of mA signals
- Fan monitor (for boilers with flue gas fan)
- Pressure pressure switch (separated from the Boiler computer and with its own pressure sensor)